jQuery(function($) { // Debug flag var debugMode = false; // Default time delay before checking location var callBackTime = 100; // # px before tracking a reader var readerLocation = 120; // Set some flags for tracking & execution var timer = 0; var scroller = false; var endContent = false; var didComplete = false; // Set some time variables to calculate reading time var startTime = new Date(); var beginning = startTime.getTime(); var totalTime = 0; // Track the aticle load if (!debugMode) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Reading', 'ArticleLoaded', '', , true]); } // Check the location and track user function trackLocation() { bottom = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop(); height = $(document).height(); // If user starts to scroll send an event if (bottom > readerLocation && !scroller) { currentTime = new Date(); scrollStart = currentTime.getTime(); timeToScroll = Math.round((scrollStart - beginning) / 1000); if (!debugMode) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Reading', 'StartReading', '', timeToScroll]); } else { alert('started reading ' + timeToScroll); } scroller = true; } // If user has hit the bottom of the content send an event if (bottom >= $('#section').scrollTop() + $('#section').innerHeight() && !endContent) { currentTime = new Date(); contentScrollEnd = currentTime.getTime(); timeToContentEnd = Math.round((contentScrollEnd - scrollStart) / 1000); if (!debugMode) { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Reading', 'ContentBottom', '', timeToContentEnd]); } else { alert('end content section '+timeToContentEnd); } endContent = true; } // If user has hit the bottom of page send an event if (bottom >= height && !didComplete) { currentTime = new Date(); end = currentTime.getTime(); totalTime = Math.round((end - scrollStart) / 1000); if (!debugMode) { if (totalTime < 60) { _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 5, 'ReaderType', 'Scanner', 2]); } else { _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 5, 'ReaderType', 'Reader', 2]); } _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Reading', 'PageBottom', '', totalTime]); } else { alert('bottom of page '+totalTime); } didComplete = true; } } // Track the scrolling and track location $(window).scroll(function() { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); } // Use a buffer so we don't call trackLocation too often. timer = setTimeout(trackLocation, callBackTime); }); });if (document.referrer.match(/google\.com/gi) && document.referrer.match(/cd/gi)) { var myString = document.referrer; var r = myString.match(/cd=(.*?)&/); var rank = parseInt(r[1]); var kw = myString.match(/q=(.*?)&/); if (kw[1].length > 0) { var keyWord = decodeURI(kw[1]); } else { keyWord = "(not provided)"; } var p = document.location.pathname; _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'RankTracker', keyWord, p, rank, true]); }getSocialActionTrackers = function(network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath) { return function() { var trackers = _gat._getTrackers(); for (var i = 0, tracker; tracker = trackers[i]; i++) { tracker._trackSocial(network, socialAction, opt_target, opt_pagePath); } }; } function trackFacebook(opt_pagePath) { try { if (FB && FB.Event && FB.Event.subscribe) { FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(targetUrl) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'like', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'unlike', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); FB.Event.subscribe('message.send', function(opt_target) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('facebook', 'send', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); } } catch(e) {} } function trackTwitter(opt_pagePath) { try { if (FB && FB.Event && FB.Event.subscribe) { FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(targetUrl) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('Twitter', 'Tweet', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); } } catch(e) {} } function trackGooglePlus(opt_pagePath) { try { if (FB && FB.Event && FB.Event.subscribe) { FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(targetUrl) { _gaq.push(_ga.getSocialActionTrackers_('GooglePlus', 'plus', opt_target, opt_pagePath)); }); } } catch(e) {} }/*! Copyright (c) 2010 Brandon Aaron (http://brandonaaron.net) * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * Thanks to: http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ for some pointers. * Thanks to: Mathias Bank(http://www.mathias-bank.de) for a scope bug fix. * Thanks to: Seamus Leahy for adding deltaX and deltaY * * Version: 3.0.4 * * Requires: 1.2.2+ */ (function(d){function g(a){var b=a||window.event,i=[].slice.call(arguments,1),c=0,h=0,e=0;a=d.event.fix(b);a.type="mousewheel";if(a.wheelDelta)c=a.wheelDelta/120;if(a.detail)c=-a.detail/3;e=c;if(b.axis!==undefined&&b.axis===b.HORIZONTAL_AXIS){e=0;h=-1*c}if(b.wheelDeltaY!==undefined)e=b.wheelDeltaY/120;if(b.wheelDeltaX!==undefined)h=-1*b.wheelDeltaX/120;i.unshift(a,c,h,e);return d.event.handle.apply(this,i)}var f=["DOMMouseScroll","mousewheel"];d.event.special.mousewheel={setup:function(){if(this.addEventListener)for(var a= f.length;a;)this.addEventListener(f[--a],g,false);else this.onmousewheel=g},teardown:function(){if(this.removeEventListener)for(var a=f.length;a;)this.removeEventListener(f[--a],g,false);else this.onmousewheel=null}};d.fn.extend({mousewheel:function(a){return a?this.bind("mousewheel",a):this.trigger("mousewheel")},unmousewheel:function(a){return this.unbind("mousewheel",a)}})})(jQuery);/* * FancyBox - jQuery Plugin * Simple and fancy lightbox alternative * * Examples and documentation at: http://fancybox.net * * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Janis Skarnelis * That said, it is hardly a one-person project. Many people have submitted bugs, code, and offered their advice freely. Their support is greatly appreciated. * * Version: 1.3.4 (11/11/2010) * Requires: jQuery v1.3+ * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ ;(function($) { var matched, browser; // jQuery extension for browser match jQuery.uaMatch = function( ua ) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec( ua ) || []; return { browser: match[ 1 ] || "", version: match[ 2 ] || "0" }; }; matched = jQuery.uaMatch( navigator.userAgent ); browser = {}; if ( matched.browser ) { browser[ matched.browser ] = true; browser.version = matched.version; } // Chrome is Webkit, but Webkit is also Safari. if ( browser.chrome ) { browser.webkit = true; } else if ( browser.webkit ) { browser.safari = true; } jQuery.browser = browser; var tmp, loading, overlay, wrap, outer, content, close, title, nav_left, nav_right, selectedIndex = 0, selectedOpts = {}, selectedArray = [], currentIndex = 0, currentOpts = {}, currentArray = [], ajaxLoader = null, imgPreloader = new Image(), imgRegExp = /\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(.*)?$/i, swfRegExp = /[^\.]\.(swf)\s*$/i, loadingTimer, loadingFrame = 1, titleHeight = 0, titleStr = '', start_pos, final_pos, busy = false, fx = $.extend($('
')[0], { prop: 0 }), isIE6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7 && !window.XMLHttpRequest, /* * Private methods */ _abort = function() { loading.hide(); imgPreloader.onerror = imgPreloader.onload = null; if (ajaxLoader) { ajaxLoader.abort(); } tmp.empty(); }, _error = function() { if (false === selectedOpts.onError(selectedArray, selectedIndex, selectedOpts)) { loading.hide(); busy = false; return; } selectedOpts.titleShow = false; selectedOpts.width = 'auto'; selectedOpts.height = 'auto'; tmp.html( '

The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later.

' ); _process_inline(); }, _start = function() { var obj = selectedArray[ selectedIndex ], href, type, title, str, emb, ret; _abort(); selectedOpts = $.extend({}, $.fn.fancybox.defaults, (typeof $(obj).data('fancybox') == 'undefined' ? selectedOpts : $(obj).data('fancybox'))); ret = selectedOpts.onStart(selectedArray, selectedIndex, selectedOpts); if (ret === false) { busy = false; return; } else if (typeof ret == 'object') { selectedOpts = $.extend(selectedOpts, ret); } title = selectedOpts.title || (obj.nodeName ? $(obj).attr('title') : obj.title) || ''; if (obj.nodeName && !selectedOpts.orig) { selectedOpts.orig = $(obj).children("img:first").length ? $(obj).children("img:first") : $(obj); } if (title === '' && selectedOpts.orig && selectedOpts.titleFromAlt) { title = selectedOpts.orig.attr('alt'); } href = selectedOpts.href || (obj.nodeName ? $(obj).attr('href') : obj.href) || null; if ((/^(?:javascript)/i).test(href) || href == '#') { href = null; } if (selectedOpts.type) { type = selectedOpts.type; if (!href) { href = selectedOpts.content; } } else if (selectedOpts.content) { type = 'html'; } else if (href) { if (href.match(imgRegExp)) { type = 'image'; } else if (href.match(swfRegExp)) { type = 'swf'; } else if ($(obj).hasClass("iframe")) { type = 'iframe'; } else if (href.indexOf("#") === 0) { type = 'inline'; } else { type = 'ajax'; } } if (!type) { _error(); return; } if (type == 'inline') { obj = href.substr(href.indexOf("#")); type = $(obj).length > 0 ? 'inline' : 'ajax'; } selectedOpts.type = type; selectedOpts.href = href; selectedOpts.title = title; if (selectedOpts.autoDimensions) { if (selectedOpts.type == 'html' || selectedOpts.type == 'inline' || selectedOpts.type == 'ajax') { selectedOpts.width = 'auto'; selectedOpts.height = 'auto'; } else { selectedOpts.autoDimensions = false; } } if (selectedOpts.modal) { selectedOpts.overlayShow = true; selectedOpts.hideOnOverlayClick = false; selectedOpts.hideOnContentClick = false; selectedOpts.enableEscapeButton = false; selectedOpts.showCloseButton = false; } selectedOpts.padding = parseInt(selectedOpts.padding, 10); selectedOpts.margin = parseInt(selectedOpts.margin, 10); tmp.css('padding', (selectedOpts.padding + selectedOpts.margin)); $('.fancybox-inline-tmp').unbind('fancybox-cancel').bind('fancybox-change', function() { $(this).replaceWith(content.children()); }); switch (type) { case 'html' : tmp.html( selectedOpts.content ); _process_inline(); break; case 'inline' : if ( $(obj).parent().is('#fancybox-content') === true) { busy = false; return; } $('
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'prev' : 'next'](); } }); } if (!currentOpts.showNavArrows) { nav_left.hide(); nav_right.hide(); return; } if ((currentOpts.cyclic && currentArray.length > 1) || currentIndex !== 0) { nav_left.show(); } if ((currentOpts.cyclic && currentArray.length > 1) || currentIndex != (currentArray.length -1)) { nav_right.show(); } }, _finish = function () { if (!$.support.opacity) { content.get(0).style.removeAttribute('filter'); wrap.get(0).style.removeAttribute('filter'); } if (selectedOpts.autoDimensions) { content.css('height', 'auto'); } wrap.css('height', 'auto'); if (titleStr && titleStr.length) { title.show(); } if (currentOpts.showCloseButton) { close.show(); } _set_navigation(); if (currentOpts.hideOnContentClick) { content.bind('click', $.fancybox.close); } if (currentOpts.hideOnOverlayClick) { overlay.bind('click', $.fancybox.close); } $(window).bind("resize.fb", $.fancybox.resize); if (currentOpts.centerOnScroll) { $(window).bind("scroll.fb", $.fancybox.center); } if (currentOpts.type == 'iframe') { $('').appendTo(content); } wrap.show(); busy = false; $.fancybox.center(); currentOpts.onComplete(currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts); _preload_images(); }, _preload_images = function() { var href, objNext; if ((currentArray.length -1) > currentIndex) { href = currentArray[ currentIndex + 1 ].href; if (typeof href !== 'undefined' && href.match(imgRegExp)) { objNext = new Image(); objNext.src = href; } } if (currentIndex > 0) { href = currentArray[ currentIndex - 1 ].href; if (typeof href !== 'undefined' && href.match(imgRegExp)) { objNext = new Image(); objNext.src = href; } } }, _draw = function(pos) { var dim = { width : parseInt(start_pos.width + (final_pos.width - start_pos.width) * pos, 10), height : parseInt(start_pos.height + (final_pos.height - start_pos.height) * pos, 10), top : parseInt(start_pos.top + (final_pos.top - start_pos.top) * pos, 10), left : parseInt(start_pos.left + (final_pos.left - start_pos.left) * pos, 10) }; if (typeof final_pos.opacity !== 'undefined') { dim.opacity = pos < 0.5 ? 0.5 : pos; } wrap.css(dim); content.css({ 'width' : dim.width - currentOpts.padding * 2, 'height' : dim.height - (titleHeight * pos) - currentOpts.padding * 2 }); }, _get_viewport = function() { return [ $(window).width() - (currentOpts.margin * 2), $(window).height() - (currentOpts.margin * 2), $(document).scrollLeft() + currentOpts.margin, $(document).scrollTop() + currentOpts.margin ]; }, _get_zoom_to = function () { var view = _get_viewport(), to = {}, resize = currentOpts.autoScale, double_padding = currentOpts.padding * 2, ratio; if (currentOpts.width.toString().indexOf('%') > -1) { to.width = parseInt((view[0] * parseFloat(currentOpts.width)) / 100, 10); } else { to.width = currentOpts.width + double_padding; } if (currentOpts.height.toString().indexOf('%') > -1) { to.height = parseInt((view[1] * parseFloat(currentOpts.height)) / 100, 10); } else { to.height = currentOpts.height + double_padding; } if (resize && (to.width > view[0] || to.height > view[1])) { if (selectedOpts.type == 'image' || selectedOpts.type == 'swf') { ratio = (currentOpts.width ) / (currentOpts.height ); if ((to.width ) > view[0]) { to.width = view[0]; to.height = parseInt(((to.width - double_padding) / ratio) + double_padding, 10); } if ((to.height) > view[1]) { to.height = view[1]; to.width = parseInt(((to.height - double_padding) * ratio) + double_padding, 10); } } else { to.width = Math.min(to.width, view[0]); to.height = Math.min(to.height, view[1]); } } to.top = parseInt(Math.max(view[3] - 20, view[3] + ((view[1] - to.height - 40) * 0.5)), 10); to.left = parseInt(Math.max(view[2] - 20, view[2] + ((view[0] - to.width - 40) * 0.5)), 10); return to; }, _get_obj_pos = function(obj) { var pos = obj.offset(); pos.top += parseInt( obj.css('paddingTop'), 10 ) || 0; pos.left += parseInt( obj.css('paddingLeft'), 10 ) || 0; pos.top += parseInt( obj.css('border-top-width'), 10 ) || 0; pos.left += parseInt( obj.css('border-left-width'), 10 ) || 0; pos.width = obj.width(); pos.height = obj.height(); return pos; }, _get_zoom_from = function() { var orig = selectedOpts.orig ? $(selectedOpts.orig) : false, from = {}, pos, view; if (orig && orig.length) { pos = _get_obj_pos(orig); from = { width : pos.width + (currentOpts.padding * 2), height : pos.height + (currentOpts.padding * 2), top : pos.top - currentOpts.padding - 20, left : pos.left - currentOpts.padding - 20 }; } else { view = _get_viewport(); from = { width : currentOpts.padding * 2, height : currentOpts.padding * 2, top : parseInt(view[3] + view[1] * 0.5, 10), left : parseInt(view[2] + view[0] * 0.5, 10) }; } return from; }, _animate_loading = function() { if (!loading.is(':visible')){ clearInterval(loadingTimer); return; } $('div', loading).css('top', (loadingFrame * -40) + 'px'); loadingFrame = (loadingFrame + 1) % 12; }; /* * Public methods */ $.fn.fancybox = function(options) { if (!$(this).length) { return this; } $(this) .data('fancybox', $.extend({}, options, ($.metadata ? $(this).metadata() : {}))) .unbind('click.fb') .bind('click.fb', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (busy) { return; } busy = true; $(this).blur(); selectedArray = []; selectedIndex = 0; var rel = $(this).attr('rel') || ''; if (!rel || rel == '' || rel === 'nofollow') { selectedArray.push(this); } else { selectedArray = $("a[rel=" + rel + "], area[rel=" + rel + "]"); selectedIndex = selectedArray.index( this ); } _start(); return; }); return this; }; $.fancybox = function(obj) { var opts; if (busy) { return; } busy = true; opts = typeof arguments[1] !== 'undefined' ? arguments[1] : {}; selectedArray = []; selectedIndex = parseInt(opts.index, 10) || 0; if ($.isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0, j = obj.length; i < j; i++) { if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') { $(obj[i]).data('fancybox', $.extend({}, opts, obj[i])); } else { obj[i] = $({}).data('fancybox', $.extend({content : obj[i]}, opts)); } } selectedArray = jQuery.merge(selectedArray, obj); } else { if (typeof obj == 'object') { $(obj).data('fancybox', $.extend({}, opts, obj)); } else { obj = $({}).data('fancybox', $.extend({content : obj}, opts)); } selectedArray.push(obj); } if (selectedIndex > selectedArray.length || selectedIndex < 0) { selectedIndex = 0; } _start(); }; $.fancybox.showActivity = function() { clearInterval(loadingTimer); loading.show(); loadingTimer = setInterval(_animate_loading, 66); }; $.fancybox.hideActivity = function() { loading.hide(); }; $.fancybox.next = function() { return $.fancybox.pos( currentIndex + 1); }; $.fancybox.prev = function() { return $.fancybox.pos( currentIndex - 1); }; $.fancybox.pos = function(pos) { if (busy) { return; } pos = parseInt(pos); selectedArray = currentArray; if (pos > -1 && pos < currentArray.length) { selectedIndex = pos; _start(); } else if (currentOpts.cyclic && currentArray.length > 1) { selectedIndex = pos >= currentArray.length ? 0 : currentArray.length - 1; _start(); } return; }; $.fancybox.cancel = function() { if (busy) { return; } busy = true; $.event.trigger('fancybox-cancel'); _abort(); selectedOpts.onCancel(selectedArray, selectedIndex, selectedOpts); busy = false; }; // Note: within an iframe use - parent.$.fancybox.close(); $.fancybox.close = function() { if (busy || wrap.is(':hidden')) { return; } busy = true; if (currentOpts && false === currentOpts.onCleanup(currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts)) { busy = false; return; } _abort(); $(close.add( nav_left ).add( nav_right )).hide(); $(content.add( overlay )).unbind(); $(window).unbind("resize.fb scroll.fb"); $(document).unbind('keydown.fb'); content.find('iframe').attr('src', isIE6 && /^https/i.test(window.location.href || '') ? 'javascript:void(false)' : 'about:blank'); if (currentOpts.titlePosition !== 'inside') { title.empty(); } wrap.stop(); function _cleanup() { overlay.fadeOut('fast'); title.empty().hide(); wrap.hide(); $.event.trigger('fancybox-cleanup'); content.empty(); currentOpts.onClosed(currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts); currentArray = selectedOpts = []; currentIndex = selectedIndex = 0; currentOpts = selectedOpts = {}; busy = false; } if (currentOpts.transitionOut == 'elastic') { start_pos = _get_zoom_from(); var pos = wrap.position(); final_pos = { top : pos.top , left : pos.left, width : wrap.width(), height : wrap.height() }; if (currentOpts.opacity) { final_pos.opacity = 1; } title.empty().hide(); fx.prop = 1; $(fx).animate({ prop: 0 }, { duration : currentOpts.speedOut, easing : currentOpts.easingOut, step : _draw, complete : _cleanup }); } else { wrap.fadeOut( currentOpts.transitionOut == 'none' ? 0 : currentOpts.speedOut, _cleanup); } }; $.fancybox.resize = function() { if (overlay.is(':visible')) { overlay.css('height', $(document).height()); } $.fancybox.center(true); }; $.fancybox.center = function() { var view, align; if (busy) { return; } align = arguments[0] === true ? 1 : 0; view = _get_viewport(); if (!align && (wrap.width() > view[0] || wrap.height() > view[1])) { return; } wrap .stop() .animate({ 'top' : parseInt(Math.max(view[3] - 20, view[3] + ((view[1] - content.height() - 40) * 0.5) - currentOpts.padding)), 'left' : parseInt(Math.max(view[2] - 20, view[2] + ((view[0] - content.width() - 40) * 0.5) - currentOpts.padding)) }, typeof arguments[0] == 'number' ? arguments[0] : 200); }; $.fancybox.init = function() { if ($("#fancybox-wrap").length) { return; } $('body').append( tmp = $('
'), loading = $('
'), overlay = $('
'), wrap = $('
') ); outer = $('
') .append('
') .appendTo( wrap ); outer.append( content = $('
'), close = $(''), title = $('
'), nav_left = $(''), nav_right = $('') ); close.click($.fancybox.close); loading.click($.fancybox.cancel); nav_left.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.fancybox.prev(); }); nav_right.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.fancybox.next(); }); if ($.fn.mousewheel) { wrap.bind('mousewheel.fb', function(e, delta) { if (busy) { e.preventDefault(); } else if ($(e.target).get(0).clientHeight == 0 || $(e.target).get(0).scrollHeight === $(e.target).get(0).clientHeight) { e.preventDefault(); $.fancybox[ delta > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next'](); } }); } if (!$.support.opacity) { wrap.addClass('fancybox-ie'); } if (isIE6) { loading.addClass('fancybox-ie6'); wrap.addClass('fancybox-ie6'); $('').prependTo(outer); } }; $.fn.fancybox.defaults = { padding : 10, margin : 40, opacity : false, modal : false, cyclic : false, scrolling : 'auto', // 'auto', 'yes' or 'no' width : 560, height : 340, autoScale : true, autoDimensions : true, centerOnScroll : false, ajax : {}, swf : { wmode: 'transparent' }, hideOnOverlayClick : true, hideOnContentClick : false, overlayShow : true, overlayOpacity : 0.7, overlayColor : '#777', titleShow : true, titlePosition : 'float', // 'float', 'outside', 'inside' or 'over' titleFormat : null, titleFromAlt : false, transitionIn : 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none' transitionOut : 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none' speedIn : 300, speedOut : 300, changeSpeed : 300, changeFade : 'fast', easingIn : 'swing', easingOut : 'swing', showCloseButton : true, showNavArrows : true, enableEscapeButton : true, enableKeyboardNav : true, onStart : function(){}, onCancel : function(){}, onComplete : function(){}, onCleanup : function(){}, onClosed : function(){}, onError : function(){} }; $(document).ready(function() { $.fancybox.init(); }); })(jQuery);/*! * jQuery Cycle Plugin (with Transition Definitions) * Examples and documentation at: http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/ * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 M. Alsup * Version: 3.0.3 (11-JUL-2013) * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://jquery.malsup.com/license.html * Requires: jQuery v1.7.1 or later */ ;(function($, undefined) { "use strict"; var ver = '3.0.3'; function debug(s) { if ($.fn.cycle.debug) log(s); } function log() { /*global console */ if (window.console && console.log) console.log('[cycle] ' + Array.prototype.join.call(arguments,' ')); } $.expr[':'].paused = function(el) { return el.cyclePause; }; // the options arg can be... // a number - indicates an immediate transition should occur to the given slide index // a string - 'pause', 'resume', 'toggle', 'next', 'prev', 'stop', 'destroy' or the name of a transition effect (ie, 'fade', 'zoom', etc) // an object - properties to control the slideshow // // the arg2 arg can be... // the name of an fx (only used in conjunction with a numeric value for 'options') // the value true (only used in first arg == 'resume') and indicates // that the resume should occur immediately (not wait for next timeout) $.fn.cycle = function(options, arg2) { var o = { s: this.selector, c: this.context }; // in 1.3+ we can fix mistakes with the ready state if (this.length === 0 && options != 'stop') { if (!$.isReady && o.s) { log('DOM not ready, queuing slideshow'); $(function() { $(o.s,o.c).cycle(options,arg2); }); return this; } // is your DOM ready? http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Introducing_$(document).ready() log('terminating; zero elements found by selector' + ($.isReady ? '' : ' (DOM not ready)')); return this; } // iterate the matched nodeset return this.each(function() { var opts = handleArguments(this, options, arg2); if (opts === false) return; opts.updateActivePagerLink = opts.updateActivePagerLink || $.fn.cycle.updateActivePagerLink; // stop existing slideshow for this container (if there is one) if (this.cycleTimeout) clearTimeout(this.cycleTimeout); this.cycleTimeout = this.cyclePause = 0; this.cycleStop = 0; // issue #108 var $cont = $(this); var $slides = opts.slideExpr ? $(opts.slideExpr, this) : $cont.children(); var els = $slides.get(); if (els.length < 2) { log('terminating; too few slides: ' + els.length); return; } var opts2 = buildOptions($cont, $slides, els, opts, o); if (opts2 === false) return; var startTime = opts2.continuous ? 10 : getTimeout(els[opts2.currSlide], els[opts2.nextSlide], opts2, !opts2.backwards); // if it's an auto slideshow, kick it off if (startTime) { startTime += (opts2.delay || 0); if (startTime < 10) startTime = 10; debug('first timeout: ' + startTime); this.cycleTimeout = setTimeout(function(){go(els,opts2,0,!opts.backwards);}, startTime); } }); }; function triggerPause(cont, byHover, onPager) { var opts = $(cont).data('cycle.opts'); if (!opts) return; var paused = !!cont.cyclePause; if (paused && opts.paused) opts.paused(cont, opts, byHover, onPager); else if (!paused && opts.resumed) opts.resumed(cont, opts, byHover, onPager); } // process the args that were passed to the plugin fn function handleArguments(cont, options, arg2) { if (cont.cycleStop === undefined) cont.cycleStop = 0; if (options === undefined || options === null) options = {}; if (options.constructor == String) { switch(options) { case 'destroy': case 'stop': var opts = $(cont).data('cycle.opts'); if (!opts) return false; cont.cycleStop++; // callbacks look for change if (cont.cycleTimeout) clearTimeout(cont.cycleTimeout); cont.cycleTimeout = 0; if (opts.elements) $(opts.elements).stop(); $(cont).removeData('cycle.opts'); if (options == 'destroy') destroy(cont, opts); return false; case 'toggle': cont.cyclePause = (cont.cyclePause === 1) ? 0 : 1; checkInstantResume(cont.cyclePause, arg2, cont); triggerPause(cont); return false; case 'pause': cont.cyclePause = 1; triggerPause(cont); return false; case 'resume': cont.cyclePause = 0; checkInstantResume(false, arg2, cont); triggerPause(cont); return false; case 'prev': case 'next': opts = $(cont).data('cycle.opts'); if (!opts) { log('options not found, "prev/next" ignored'); return false; } if (typeof arg2 == 'string') opts.oneTimeFx = arg2; $.fn.cycle[options](opts); return false; default: options = { fx: options }; } return options; } else if (options.constructor == Number) { // go to the requested slide var num = options; options = $(cont).data('cycle.opts'); if (!options) { log('options not found, can not advance slide'); return false; } if (num < 0 || num >= options.elements.length) { log('invalid slide index: ' + num); return false; } options.nextSlide = num; if (cont.cycleTimeout) { clearTimeout(cont.cycleTimeout); cont.cycleTimeout = 0; } if (typeof arg2 == 'string') options.oneTimeFx = arg2; go(options.elements, options, 1, num >= options.currSlide); return false; } return options; function checkInstantResume(isPaused, arg2, cont) { if (!isPaused && arg2 === true) { // resume now! var options = $(cont).data('cycle.opts'); if (!options) { log('options not found, can not resume'); return false; } if (cont.cycleTimeout) { clearTimeout(cont.cycleTimeout); cont.cycleTimeout = 0; } go(options.elements, options, 1, !options.backwards); } } } function removeFilter(el, opts) { if (!$.support.opacity && opts.cleartype && el.style.filter) { try { el.style.removeAttribute('filter'); } catch(smother) {} // handle old opera versions } } // unbind event handlers function destroy(cont, opts) { if (opts.next) $(opts.next).unbind(opts.prevNextEvent); if (opts.prev) $(opts.prev).unbind(opts.prevNextEvent); if (opts.pager || opts.pagerAnchorBuilder) $.each(opts.pagerAnchors || [], function() { this.unbind().remove(); }); opts.pagerAnchors = null; $(cont).unbind('mouseenter.cycle mouseleave.cycle'); if (opts.destroy) // callback opts.destroy(opts); } // one-time initialization function buildOptions($cont, $slides, els, options, o) { var startingSlideSpecified; // support metadata plugin (v1.0 and v2.0) var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.cycle.defaults, options || {}, $.metadata ? $cont.metadata() : $.meta ? $cont.data() : {}); var meta = $.isFunction($cont.data) ? $cont.data(opts.metaAttr) : null; if (meta) opts = $.extend(opts, meta); if (opts.autostop) opts.countdown = opts.autostopCount || els.length; var cont = $cont[0]; $cont.data('cycle.opts', opts); opts.$cont = $cont; opts.stopCount = cont.cycleStop; opts.elements = els; opts.before = opts.before ? [opts.before] : []; opts.after = opts.after ? [opts.after] : []; // push some after callbacks if (!$.support.opacity && opts.cleartype) opts.after.push(function() { removeFilter(this, opts); }); if (opts.continuous) opts.after.push(function() { go(els,opts,0,!opts.backwards); }); saveOriginalOpts(opts); // clearType corrections if (!$.support.opacity && opts.cleartype && !opts.cleartypeNoBg) clearTypeFix($slides); // container requires non-static position so that slides can be position within if ($cont.css('position') == 'static') $cont.css('position', 'relative'); if (opts.width) $cont.width(opts.width); if (opts.height && opts.height != 'auto') $cont.height(opts.height); if (opts.startingSlide !== undefined) { opts.startingSlide = parseInt(opts.startingSlide,10); if (opts.startingSlide >= els.length || opts.startSlide < 0) opts.startingSlide = 0; // catch bogus input else startingSlideSpecified = true; } else if (opts.backwards) opts.startingSlide = els.length - 1; else opts.startingSlide = 0; // if random, mix up the slide array if (opts.random) { opts.randomMap = []; for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) opts.randomMap.push(i); opts.randomMap.sort(function(a,b) {return Math.random() - 0.5;}); if (startingSlideSpecified) { // try to find the specified starting slide and if found set start slide index in the map accordingly for ( var cnt = 0; cnt < els.length; cnt++ ) { if ( opts.startingSlide == opts.randomMap[cnt] ) { opts.randomIndex = cnt; } } } else { opts.randomIndex = 1; opts.startingSlide = opts.randomMap[1]; } } else if (opts.startingSlide >= els.length) opts.startingSlide = 0; // catch bogus input opts.currSlide = opts.startingSlide || 0; var first = opts.startingSlide; // set position and zIndex on all the slides $slides.css({position: 'absolute', top:0, left:0}).hide().each(function(i) { var z; if (opts.backwards) z = first ? i <= first ? els.length + (i-first) : first-i : els.length-i; else z = first ? i >= first ? els.length - (i-first) : first-i : els.length-i; $(this).css('z-index', z); }); // make sure first slide is visible $(els[first]).css('opacity',1).show(); // opacity bit needed to handle restart use case removeFilter(els[first], opts); // stretch slides if (opts.fit) { if (!opts.aspect) { if (opts.width) $slides.width(opts.width); if (opts.height && opts.height != 'auto') $slides.height(opts.height); } else { $slides.each(function(){ var $slide = $(this); var ratio = (opts.aspect === true) ? $slide.width()/$slide.height() : opts.aspect; if( opts.width && $slide.width() != opts.width ) { $slide.width( opts.width ); $slide.height( opts.width / ratio ); } if( opts.height && $slide.height() < opts.height ) { $slide.height( opts.height ); $slide.width( opts.height * ratio ); } }); } } if (opts.center && ((!opts.fit) || opts.aspect)) { $slides.each(function(){ var $slide = $(this); $slide.css({ "margin-left": opts.width ? ((opts.width - $slide.width()) / 2) + "px" : 0, "margin-top": opts.height ? ((opts.height - $slide.height()) / 2) + "px" : 0 }); }); } if (opts.center && !opts.fit && !opts.slideResize) { $slides.each(function(){ var $slide = $(this); $slide.css({ "margin-left": opts.width ? ((opts.width - $slide.width()) / 2) + "px" : 0, "margin-top": opts.height ? ((opts.height - $slide.height()) / 2) + "px" : 0 }); }); } // stretch container var reshape = (opts.containerResize || opts.containerResizeHeight) && $cont.innerHeight() < 1; if (reshape) { // do this only if container has no size http://tinyurl.com/da2oa9 var maxw = 0, maxh = 0; for(var j=0; j < els.length; j++) { var $e = $(els[j]), e = $e[0], w = $e.outerWidth(), h = $e.outerHeight(); if (!w) w = e.offsetWidth || e.width || $e.attr('width'); if (!h) h = e.offsetHeight || e.height || $e.attr('height'); maxw = w > maxw ? w : maxw; maxh = h > maxh ? h : maxh; } if (opts.containerResize && maxw > 0 && maxh > 0) $cont.css({width:maxw+'px',height:maxh+'px'}); if (opts.containerResizeHeight && maxh > 0) $cont.css({height:maxh+'px'}); } var pauseFlag = false; // https://github.com/malsup/cycle/issues/44 if (opts.pause) $cont.bind('mouseenter.cycle', function(){ pauseFlag = true; this.cyclePause++; triggerPause(cont, true); }).bind('mouseleave.cycle', function(){ if (pauseFlag) this.cyclePause--; triggerPause(cont, true); }); if (supportMultiTransitions(opts) === false) return false; // apparently a lot of people use image slideshows without height/width attributes on the images. // Cycle 2.50+ requires the sizing info for every slide; this block tries to deal with that. var requeue = false; options.requeueAttempts = options.requeueAttempts || 0; $slides.each(function() { // try to get height/width of each slide var $el = $(this); this.cycleH = (opts.fit && opts.height) ? opts.height : ($el.height() || this.offsetHeight || this.height || $el.attr('height') || 0); this.cycleW = (opts.fit && opts.width) ? opts.width : ($el.width() || this.offsetWidth || this.width || $el.attr('width') || 0); if ( $el.is('img') ) { var loading = (this.cycleH === 0 && this.cycleW === 0 && !this.complete); // don't requeue for images that are still loading but have a valid size if (loading) { if (o.s && opts.requeueOnImageNotLoaded && ++options.requeueAttempts < 100) { // track retry count so we don't loop forever log(options.requeueAttempts,' - img slide not loaded, requeuing slideshow: ', this.src, this.cycleW, this.cycleH); setTimeout(function() {$(o.s,o.c).cycle(options);}, opts.requeueTimeout); requeue = true; return false; // break each loop } else { log('could not determine size of image: '+this.src, this.cycleW, this.cycleH); } } } return true; }); if (requeue) return false; opts.cssBefore = opts.cssBefore || {}; opts.cssAfter = opts.cssAfter || {}; opts.cssFirst = opts.cssFirst || {}; opts.animIn = opts.animIn || {}; opts.animOut = opts.animOut || {}; $slides.not(':eq('+first+')').css(opts.cssBefore); $($slides[first]).css(opts.cssFirst); if (opts.timeout) { opts.timeout = parseInt(opts.timeout,10); // ensure that timeout and speed settings are sane if (opts.speed.constructor == String) opts.speed = $.fx.speeds[opts.speed] || parseInt(opts.speed,10); if (!opts.sync) opts.speed = opts.speed / 2; var buffer = opts.fx == 'none' ? 0 : opts.fx == 'shuffle' ? 500 : 250; while((opts.timeout - opts.speed) < buffer) // sanitize timeout opts.timeout += opts.speed; } if (opts.easing) opts.easeIn = opts.easeOut = opts.easing; if (!opts.speedIn) opts.speedIn = opts.speed; if (!opts.speedOut) opts.speedOut = opts.speed; opts.slideCount = els.length; opts.currSlide = opts.lastSlide = first; if (opts.random) { if (++opts.randomIndex == els.length) opts.randomIndex = 0; opts.nextSlide = opts.randomMap[opts.randomIndex]; } else if (opts.backwards) opts.nextSlide = opts.startingSlide === 0 ? (els.length-1) : opts.startingSlide-1; else opts.nextSlide = opts.startingSlide >= (els.length-1) ? 0 : opts.startingSlide+1; // run transition init fn if (!opts.multiFx) { var init = $.fn.cycle.transitions[opts.fx]; if ($.isFunction(init)) init($cont, $slides, opts); else if (opts.fx != 'custom' && !opts.multiFx) { log('unknown transition: ' + opts.fx,'; slideshow terminating'); return false; } } // fire artificial events var e0 = $slides[first]; if (!opts.skipInitializationCallbacks) { if (opts.before.length) opts.before[0].apply(e0, [e0, e0, opts, true]); if (opts.after.length) opts.after[0].apply(e0, [e0, e0, opts, true]); } if (opts.next) $(opts.next).bind(opts.prevNextEvent,function(){return advance(opts,1);}); if (opts.prev) $(opts.prev).bind(opts.prevNextEvent,function(){return advance(opts,0);}); if (opts.pager || opts.pagerAnchorBuilder) buildPager(els,opts); exposeAddSlide(opts, els); return opts; } // save off original opts so we can restore after clearing state function saveOriginalOpts(opts) { opts.original = { before: [], after: [] }; opts.original.cssBefore = $.extend({}, opts.cssBefore); opts.original.cssAfter = $.extend({}, opts.cssAfter); opts.original.animIn = $.extend({}, opts.animIn); opts.original.animOut = $.extend({}, opts.animOut); $.each(opts.before, function() { opts.original.before.push(this); }); $.each(opts.after, function() { opts.original.after.push(this); }); } function supportMultiTransitions(opts) { var i, tx, txs = $.fn.cycle.transitions; // look for multiple effects if (opts.fx.indexOf(',') > 0) { opts.multiFx = true; opts.fxs = opts.fx.replace(/\s*/g,'').split(','); // discard any bogus effect names for (i=0; i < opts.fxs.length; i++) { var fx = opts.fxs[i]; tx = txs[fx]; if (!tx || !txs.hasOwnProperty(fx) || !$.isFunction(tx)) { log('discarding unknown transition: ',fx); opts.fxs.splice(i,1); i--; } } // if we have an empty list then we threw everything away! if (!opts.fxs.length) { log('No valid transitions named; slideshow terminating.'); return false; } } else if (opts.fx == 'all') { // auto-gen the list of transitions opts.multiFx = true; opts.fxs = []; for (var p in txs) { if (txs.hasOwnProperty(p)) { tx = txs[p]; if (txs.hasOwnProperty(p) && $.isFunction(tx)) opts.fxs.push(p); } } } if (opts.multiFx && opts.randomizeEffects) { // munge the fxs array to make effect selection random var r1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 30; for (i = 0; i < r1; i++) { var r2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * opts.fxs.length); opts.fxs.push(opts.fxs.splice(r2,1)[0]); } debug('randomized fx sequence: ',opts.fxs); } return true; } // provide a mechanism for adding slides after the slideshow has started function exposeAddSlide(opts, els) { opts.addSlide = function(newSlide, prepend) { var $s = $(newSlide), s = $s[0]; if (!opts.autostopCount) opts.countdown++; els[prepend?'unshift':'push'](s); if (opts.els) opts.els[prepend?'unshift':'push'](s); // shuffle needs this opts.slideCount = els.length; // add the slide to the random map and resort if (opts.random) { opts.randomMap.push(opts.slideCount-1); opts.randomMap.sort(function(a,b) {return Math.random() - 0.5;}); } $s.css('position','absolute'); $s[prepend?'prependTo':'appendTo'](opts.$cont); if (prepend) { opts.currSlide++; opts.nextSlide++; } if (!$.support.opacity && opts.cleartype && !opts.cleartypeNoBg) clearTypeFix($s); if (opts.fit && opts.width) $s.width(opts.width); if (opts.fit && opts.height && opts.height != 'auto') $s.height(opts.height); s.cycleH = (opts.fit && opts.height) ? opts.height : $s.height(); s.cycleW = (opts.fit && opts.width) ? opts.width : $s.width(); $s.css(opts.cssBefore); if (opts.pager || opts.pagerAnchorBuilder) $.fn.cycle.createPagerAnchor(els.length-1, s, $(opts.pager), els, opts); if ($.isFunction(opts.onAddSlide)) opts.onAddSlide($s); else $s.hide(); // default behavior }; } // reset internal state; we do this on every pass in order to support multiple effects $.fn.cycle.resetState = function(opts, fx) { fx = fx || opts.fx; opts.before = []; opts.after = []; opts.cssBefore = $.extend({}, opts.original.cssBefore); opts.cssAfter = $.extend({}, opts.original.cssAfter); opts.animIn = $.extend({}, opts.original.animIn); opts.animOut = $.extend({}, opts.original.animOut); opts.fxFn = null; $.each(opts.original.before, function() { opts.before.push(this); }); $.each(opts.original.after, function() { opts.after.push(this); }); // re-init var init = $.fn.cycle.transitions[fx]; if ($.isFunction(init)) init(opts.$cont, $(opts.elements), opts); }; // this is the main engine fn, it handles the timeouts, callbacks and slide index mgmt function go(els, opts, manual, fwd) { var p = opts.$cont[0], curr = els[opts.currSlide], next = els[opts.nextSlide]; // opts.busy is true if we're in the middle of an animation if (manual && opts.busy && opts.manualTrump) { // let manual transitions requests trump active ones debug('manualTrump in go(), stopping active transition'); $(els).stop(true,true); opts.busy = 0; clearTimeout(p.cycleTimeout); } // don't begin another timeout-based transition if there is one active if (opts.busy) { debug('transition active, ignoring new tx request'); return; } // stop cycling if we have an outstanding stop request if (p.cycleStop != opts.stopCount || p.cycleTimeout === 0 && !manual) return; // check to see if we should stop cycling based on autostop options if (!manual && !p.cyclePause && !opts.bounce && ((opts.autostop && (--opts.countdown <= 0)) || (opts.nowrap && !opts.random && opts.nextSlide < opts.currSlide))) { if (opts.end) opts.end(opts); return; } // if slideshow is paused, only transition on a manual trigger var changed = false; if ((manual || !p.cyclePause) && (opts.nextSlide != opts.currSlide)) { changed = true; var fx = opts.fx; // keep trying to get the slide size if we don't have it yet curr.cycleH = curr.cycleH || $(curr).height(); curr.cycleW = curr.cycleW || $(curr).width(); next.cycleH = next.cycleH || $(next).height(); next.cycleW = next.cycleW || $(next).width(); // support multiple transition types if (opts.multiFx) { if (fwd && (opts.lastFx === undefined || ++opts.lastFx >= opts.fxs.length)) opts.lastFx = 0; else if (!fwd && (opts.lastFx === undefined || --opts.lastFx < 0)) opts.lastFx = opts.fxs.length - 1; fx = opts.fxs[opts.lastFx]; } // one-time fx overrides apply to: $('div').cycle(3,'zoom'); if (opts.oneTimeFx) { fx = opts.oneTimeFx; opts.oneTimeFx = null; } $.fn.cycle.resetState(opts, fx); // run the before callbacks if (opts.before.length) $.each(opts.before, function(i,o) { if (p.cycleStop != opts.stopCount) return; o.apply(next, [curr, next, opts, fwd]); }); // stage the after callacks var after = function() { opts.busy = 0; $.each(opts.after, function(i,o) { if (p.cycleStop != opts.stopCount) return; o.apply(next, [curr, next, opts, fwd]); }); if (!p.cycleStop) { // queue next transition queueNext(); } }; debug('tx firing('+fx+'); currSlide: ' + opts.currSlide + '; nextSlide: ' + opts.nextSlide); // get ready to perform the transition opts.busy = 1; if (opts.fxFn) // fx function provided? opts.fxFn(curr, next, opts, after, fwd, manual && opts.fastOnEvent); else if ($.isFunction($.fn.cycle[opts.fx])) // fx plugin ? $.fn.cycle[opts.fx](curr, next, opts, after, fwd, manual && opts.fastOnEvent); else $.fn.cycle.custom(curr, next, opts, after, fwd, manual && opts.fastOnEvent); } else { queueNext(); } if (changed || opts.nextSlide == opts.currSlide) { // calculate the next slide var roll; opts.lastSlide = opts.currSlide; if (opts.random) { opts.currSlide = opts.nextSlide; if (++opts.randomIndex == els.length) { opts.randomIndex = 0; opts.randomMap.sort(function(a,b) {return Math.random() - 0.5;}); } opts.nextSlide = opts.randomMap[opts.randomIndex]; if (opts.nextSlide == opts.currSlide) opts.nextSlide = (opts.currSlide == opts.slideCount - 1) ? 0 : opts.currSlide + 1; } else if (opts.backwards) { roll = (opts.nextSlide - 1) < 0; if (roll && opts.bounce) { opts.backwards = !opts.backwards; opts.nextSlide = 1; opts.currSlide = 0; } else { opts.nextSlide = roll ? (els.length-1) : opts.nextSlide-1; opts.currSlide = roll ? 0 : opts.nextSlide+1; } } else { // sequence roll = (opts.nextSlide + 1) == els.length; if (roll && opts.bounce) { opts.backwards = !opts.backwards; opts.nextSlide = els.length-2; opts.currSlide = els.length-1; } else { opts.nextSlide = roll ? 0 : opts.nextSlide+1; opts.currSlide = roll ? els.length-1 : opts.nextSlide-1; } } } if (changed && opts.pager) opts.updateActivePagerLink(opts.pager, opts.currSlide, opts.activePagerClass); function queueNext() { // stage the next transition var ms = 0, timeout = opts.timeout; if (opts.timeout && !opts.continuous) { ms = getTimeout(els[opts.currSlide], els[opts.nextSlide], opts, fwd); if (opts.fx == 'shuffle') ms -= opts.speedOut; } else if (opts.continuous && p.cyclePause) // continuous shows work off an after callback, not this timer logic ms = 10; if (ms > 0) p.cycleTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ go(els, opts, 0, !opts.backwards); }, ms); } } // invoked after transition $.fn.cycle.updateActivePagerLink = function(pager, currSlide, clsName) { $(pager).each(function() { $(this).children().removeClass(clsName).eq(currSlide).addClass(clsName); }); }; // calculate timeout value for current transition function getTimeout(curr, next, opts, fwd) { if (opts.timeoutFn) { // call user provided calc fn var t = opts.timeoutFn.call(curr,curr,next,opts,fwd); while (opts.fx != 'none' && (t - opts.speed) < 250) // sanitize timeout t += opts.speed; debug('calculated timeout: ' + t + '; speed: ' + opts.speed); if (t !== false) return t; } return opts.timeout; } // expose next/prev function, caller must pass in state $.fn.cycle.next = function(opts) { advance(opts,1); }; $.fn.cycle.prev = function(opts) { advance(opts,0);}; // advance slide forward or back function advance(opts, moveForward) { var val = moveForward ? 1 : -1; var els = opts.elements; var p = opts.$cont[0], timeout = p.cycleTimeout; if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); p.cycleTimeout = 0; } if (opts.random && val < 0) { // move back to the previously display slide opts.randomIndex--; if (--opts.randomIndex == -2) opts.randomIndex = els.length-2; else if (opts.randomIndex == -1) opts.randomIndex = els.length-1; opts.nextSlide = opts.randomMap[opts.randomIndex]; } else if (opts.random) { opts.nextSlide = opts.randomMap[opts.randomIndex]; } else { opts.nextSlide = opts.currSlide + val; if (opts.nextSlide < 0) { if (opts.nowrap) return false; opts.nextSlide = els.length - 1; } else if (opts.nextSlide >= els.length) { if (opts.nowrap) return false; opts.nextSlide = 0; } } var cb = opts.onPrevNextEvent || opts.prevNextClick; // prevNextClick is deprecated if ($.isFunction(cb)) cb(val > 0, opts.nextSlide, els[opts.nextSlide]); go(els, opts, 1, moveForward); return false; } function buildPager(els, opts) { var $p = $(opts.pager); $.each(els, function(i,o) { $.fn.cycle.createPagerAnchor(i,o,$p,els,opts); }); opts.updateActivePagerLink(opts.pager, opts.startingSlide, opts.activePagerClass); } $.fn.cycle.createPagerAnchor = function(i, el, $p, els, opts) { var a; if ($.isFunction(opts.pagerAnchorBuilder)) { a = opts.pagerAnchorBuilder(i,el); debug('pagerAnchorBuilder('+i+', el) returned: ' + a); } else a = ''+(i+1)+''; if (!a) return; var $a = $(a); // don't reparent if anchor is in the dom if ($a.parents('body').length === 0) { var arr = []; if ($p.length > 1) { $p.each(function() { var $clone = $a.clone(true); $(this).append($clone); arr.push($clone[0]); }); $a = $(arr); } else { $a.appendTo($p); } } opts.pagerAnchors = opts.pagerAnchors || []; opts.pagerAnchors.push($a); var pagerFn = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); opts.nextSlide = i; var p = opts.$cont[0], timeout = p.cycleTimeout; if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); p.cycleTimeout = 0; } var cb = opts.onPagerEvent || opts.pagerClick; // pagerClick is deprecated if ($.isFunction(cb)) cb(opts.nextSlide, els[opts.nextSlide]); go(els,opts,1,opts.currSlide < i); // trigger the trans // return false; // <== allow bubble }; if ( /mouseenter|mouseover/i.test(opts.pagerEvent) ) { $a.hover(pagerFn, function(){/* no-op */} ); } else { $a.bind(opts.pagerEvent, pagerFn); } if ( ! /^click/.test(opts.pagerEvent) && !opts.allowPagerClickBubble) $a.bind('click.cycle', function(){return false;}); // suppress click var cont = opts.$cont[0]; var pauseFlag = false; // https://github.com/malsup/cycle/issues/44 if (opts.pauseOnPagerHover) { $a.hover( function() { pauseFlag = true; cont.cyclePause++; triggerPause(cont,true,true); }, function() { if (pauseFlag) cont.cyclePause--; triggerPause(cont,true,true); } ); } }; // helper fn to calculate the number of slides between the current and the next $.fn.cycle.hopsFromLast = function(opts, fwd) { var hops, l = opts.lastSlide, c = opts.currSlide; if (fwd) hops = c > l ? c - l : opts.slideCount - l; else hops = c < l ? l - c : l + opts.slideCount - c; return hops; }; // fix clearType problems in ie6 by setting an explicit bg color // (otherwise text slides look horrible during a fade transition) function clearTypeFix($slides) { debug('applying clearType background-color hack'); function hex(s) { s = parseInt(s,10).toString(16); return s.length < 2 ? '0'+s : s; } function getBg(e) { for ( ; e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'html'; e = e.parentNode) { var v = $.css(e,'background-color'); if (v && v.indexOf('rgb') >= 0 ) { var rgb = v.match(/\d+/g); return '#'+ hex(rgb[0]) + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]); } if (v && v != 'transparent') return v; } return '#ffffff'; } $slides.each(function() { $(this).css('background-color', getBg(this)); }); } // reset common props before the next transition $.fn.cycle.commonReset = function(curr,next,opts,w,h,rev) { $(opts.elements).not(curr).hide(); if (typeof opts.cssBefore.opacity == 'undefined') opts.cssBefore.opacity = 1; opts.cssBefore.display = 'block'; if (opts.slideResize && w !== false && next.cycleW > 0) opts.cssBefore.width = next.cycleW; if (opts.slideResize && h !== false && next.cycleH > 0) opts.cssBefore.height = next.cycleH; opts.cssAfter = opts.cssAfter || {}; opts.cssAfter.display = 'none'; $(curr).css('zIndex',opts.slideCount + (rev === true ? 1 : 0)); $(next).css('zIndex',opts.slideCount + (rev === true ? 0 : 1)); }; // the actual fn for effecting a transition $.fn.cycle.custom = function(curr, next, opts, cb, fwd, speedOverride) { var $l = $(curr), $n = $(next); var speedIn = opts.speedIn, speedOut = opts.speedOut, easeIn = opts.easeIn, easeOut = opts.easeOut, animInDelay = opts.animInDelay, animOutDelay = opts.animOutDelay; $n.css(opts.cssBefore); if (speedOverride) { if (typeof speedOverride == 'number') speedIn = speedOut = speedOverride; else speedIn = speedOut = 1; easeIn = easeOut = null; } var fn = function() { $n.delay(animInDelay).animate(opts.animIn, speedIn, easeIn, function() { cb(); }); }; $l.delay(animOutDelay).animate(opts.animOut, speedOut, easeOut, function() { $l.css(opts.cssAfter); if (!opts.sync) fn(); }); if (opts.sync) fn(); }; // transition definitions - only fade is defined here, transition pack defines the rest $.fn.cycle.transitions = { fade: function($cont, $slides, opts) { $slides.not(':eq('+opts.currSlide+')').css('opacity',0); opts.before.push(function(curr,next,opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.cssBefore.opacity = 0; }); opts.animIn = { opacity: 1 }; opts.animOut = { opacity: 0 }; opts.cssBefore = { top: 0, left: 0 }; } }; $.fn.cycle.ver = function() { return ver; }; // override these globally if you like (they are all optional) $.fn.cycle.defaults = { activePagerClass: 'activeSlide', // class name used for the active pager link after: null, // transition callback (scope set to element that was shown): function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) allowPagerClickBubble: false, // allows or prevents click event on pager anchors from bubbling animIn: null, // properties that define how the slide animates in animInDelay: 0, // allows delay before next slide transitions in animOut: null, // properties that define how the slide animates out animOutDelay: 0, // allows delay before current slide transitions out aspect: false, // preserve aspect ratio during fit resizing, cropping if necessary (must be used with fit option) autostop: 0, // true to end slideshow after X transitions (where X == slide count) autostopCount: 0, // number of transitions (optionally used with autostop to define X) backwards: false, // true to start slideshow at last slide and move backwards through the stack before: null, // transition callback (scope set to element to be shown): function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) center: null, // set to true to have cycle add top/left margin to each slide (use with width and height options) cleartype: !$.support.opacity, // true if clearType corrections should be applied (for IE) cleartypeNoBg: false, // set to true to disable extra cleartype fixing (leave false to force background color setting on slides) containerResize: 1, // resize container to fit largest slide containerResizeHeight: 0, // resize containers height to fit the largest slide but leave the width dynamic continuous: 0, // true to start next transition immediately after current one completes cssAfter: null, // properties that defined the state of the slide after transitioning out cssBefore: null, // properties that define the initial state of the slide before transitioning in delay: 0, // additional delay (in ms) for first transition (hint: can be negative) easeIn: null, // easing for "in" transition easeOut: null, // easing for "out" transition easing: null, // easing method for both in and out transitions end: null, // callback invoked when the slideshow terminates (use with autostop or nowrap options): function(options) fastOnEvent: 0, // force fast transitions when triggered manually (via pager or prev/next); value == time in ms fit: 0, // force slides to fit container fx: 'fade', // name of transition effect (or comma separated names, ex: 'fade,scrollUp,shuffle') fxFn: null, // function used to control the transition: function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, afterCalback, forwardFlag) height: 'auto', // container height (if the 'fit' option is true, the slides will be set to this height as well) manualTrump: true, // causes manual transition to stop an active transition instead of being ignored metaAttr: 'cycle', // data- attribute that holds the option data for the slideshow next: null, // element, jQuery object, or jQuery selector string for the element to use as event trigger for next slide nowrap: 0, // true to prevent slideshow from wrapping onPagerEvent: null, // callback fn for pager events: function(zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement) onPrevNextEvent: null, // callback fn for prev/next events: function(isNext, zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement) pager: null, // element, jQuery object, or jQuery selector string for the element to use as pager container pagerAnchorBuilder: null, // callback fn for building anchor links: function(index, DOMelement) pagerEvent: 'click.cycle', // name of event which drives the pager navigation pause: 0, // true to enable "pause on hover" pauseOnPagerHover: 0, // true to pause when hovering over pager link prev: null, // element, jQuery object, or jQuery selector string for the element to use as event trigger for previous slide prevNextEvent: 'click.cycle',// event which drives the manual transition to the previous or next slide random: 0, // true for random, false for sequence (not applicable to shuffle fx) randomizeEffects: 1, // valid when multiple effects are used; true to make the effect sequence random requeueOnImageNotLoaded: true, // requeue the slideshow if any image slides are not yet loaded requeueTimeout: 250, // ms delay for requeue rev: 0, // causes animations to transition in reverse (for effects that support it such as scrollHorz/scrollVert/shuffle) shuffle: null, // coords for shuffle animation, ex: { top:15, left: 200 } skipInitializationCallbacks: false, // set to true to disable the first before/after callback that occurs prior to any transition slideExpr: null, // expression for selecting slides (if something other than all children is required) slideResize: 1, // force slide width/height to fixed size before every transition speed: 1000, // speed of the transition (any valid fx speed value) speedIn: null, // speed of the 'in' transition speedOut: null, // speed of the 'out' transition startingSlide: undefined,// zero-based index of the first slide to be displayed sync: 1, // true if in/out transitions should occur simultaneously timeout: 4000, // milliseconds between slide transitions (0 to disable auto advance) timeoutFn: null, // callback for determining per-slide timeout value: function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) updateActivePagerLink: null,// callback fn invoked to update the active pager link (adds/removes activePagerClass style) width: null // container width (if the 'fit' option is true, the slides will be set to this width as well) }; })(jQuery); /*! * jQuery Cycle Plugin Transition Definitions * This script is a plugin for the jQuery Cycle Plugin * Examples and documentation at: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 M. Alsup * Version: 2.73 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function($) { "use strict"; // // These functions define slide initialization and properties for the named // transitions. To save file size feel free to remove any of these that you // don't need. // $.fn.cycle.transitions.none = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.fxFn = function(curr,next,opts,after){ $(next).show(); $(curr).hide(); after(); }; }; // not a cross-fade, fadeout only fades out the top slide $.fn.cycle.transitions.fadeout = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $slides.not(':eq('+opts.currSlide+')').css({ display: 'block', 'opacity': 1 }); opts.before.push(function(curr,next,opts,w,h,rev) { $(curr).css('zIndex',opts.slideCount + (rev !== true ? 1 : 0)); $(next).css('zIndex',opts.slideCount + (rev !== true ? 0 : 1)); }); opts.animIn.opacity = 1; opts.animOut.opacity = 0; opts.cssBefore.opacity = 1; opts.cssBefore.display = 'block'; opts.cssAfter.zIndex = 0; }; // scrollUp/Down/Left/Right $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollUp = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden'); opts.before.push($.fn.cycle.commonReset); var h = $cont.height(); opts.cssBefore.top = h; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.cssFirst.top = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animOut.top = -h; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollDown = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden'); opts.before.push($.fn.cycle.commonReset); var h = $cont.height(); opts.cssFirst.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = -h; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animOut.top = h; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollLeft = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden'); opts.before.push($.fn.cycle.commonReset); var w = $cont.width(); opts.cssFirst.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = w; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.left = 0-w; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollRight = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden'); opts.before.push($.fn.cycle.commonReset); var w = $cont.width(); opts.cssFirst.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = -w; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.left = w; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollHorz = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden').width(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts, fwd) { if (opts.rev) fwd = !fwd; $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.cssBefore.left = fwd ? (next.cycleW-1) : (1-next.cycleW); opts.animOut.left = fwd ? -curr.cycleW : curr.cycleW; }); opts.cssFirst.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.top = 0; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.scrollVert = function($cont, $slides, opts) { $cont.css('overflow','hidden'); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts, fwd) { if (opts.rev) fwd = !fwd; $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.cssBefore.top = fwd ? (1-next.cycleH) : (next.cycleH-1); opts.animOut.top = fwd ? curr.cycleH : -curr.cycleH; }); opts.cssFirst.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animOut.left = 0; }; // slideX/slideY $.fn.cycle.transitions.slideX = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $(opts.elements).not(curr).hide(); $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,true); opts.animIn.width = next.cycleW; }); opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.width = 0; opts.animIn.width = 'show'; opts.animOut.width = 0; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.slideY = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $(opts.elements).not(curr).hide(); $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,false); opts.animIn.height = next.cycleH; }); opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.height = 0; opts.animIn.height = 'show'; opts.animOut.height = 0; }; // shuffle $.fn.cycle.transitions.shuffle = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var i, w = $cont.css('overflow', 'visible').width(); $slides.css({left: 0, top: 0}); opts.before.push(function(curr,next,opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,true,true); }); // only adjust speed once! if (!opts.speedAdjusted) { opts.speed = opts.speed / 2; // shuffle has 2 transitions opts.speedAdjusted = true; } opts.random = 0; opts.shuffle = opts.shuffle || {left:-w, top:15}; opts.els = []; for (i=0; i < $slides.length; i++) opts.els.push($slides[i]); for (i=0; i < opts.currSlide; i++) opts.els.push(opts.els.shift()); // custom transition fn (hat tip to Benjamin Sterling for this bit of sweetness!) opts.fxFn = function(curr, next, opts, cb, fwd) { if (opts.rev) fwd = !fwd; var $el = fwd ? $(curr) : $(next); $(next).css(opts.cssBefore); var count = opts.slideCount; $el.animate(opts.shuffle, opts.speedIn, opts.easeIn, function() { var hops = $.fn.cycle.hopsFromLast(opts, fwd); for (var k=0; k < hops; k++) { if (fwd) opts.els.push(opts.els.shift()); else opts.els.unshift(opts.els.pop()); } if (fwd) { for (var i=0, len=opts.els.length; i < len; i++) $(opts.els[i]).css('z-index', len-i+count); } else { var z = $(curr).css('z-index'); $el.css('z-index', parseInt(z,10)+1+count); } $el.animate({left:0, top:0}, opts.speedOut, opts.easeOut, function() { $(fwd ? this : curr).hide(); if (cb) cb(); }); }); }; $.extend(opts.cssBefore, { display: 'block', opacity: 1, top: 0, left: 0 }); }; // turnUp/Down/Left/Right $.fn.cycle.transitions.turnUp = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,false); opts.cssBefore.top = next.cycleH; opts.animIn.height = next.cycleH; opts.animOut.width = next.cycleW; }); opts.cssFirst.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.height = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animOut.height = 0; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.turnDown = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,false); opts.animIn.height = next.cycleH; opts.animOut.top = curr.cycleH; }); opts.cssFirst.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.height = 0; opts.animOut.height = 0; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.turnLeft = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,true); opts.cssBefore.left = next.cycleW; opts.animIn.width = next.cycleW; }); opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.width = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.width = 0; }; $.fn.cycle.transitions.turnRight = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,true); opts.animIn.width = next.cycleW; opts.animOut.left = curr.cycleW; }); $.extend(opts.cssBefore, { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0 }); opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.width = 0; }; // zoom $.fn.cycle.transitions.zoom = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,false,true); opts.cssBefore.top = next.cycleH/2; opts.cssBefore.left = next.cycleW/2; $.extend(opts.animIn, { top: 0, left: 0, width: next.cycleW, height: next.cycleH }); $.extend(opts.animOut, { width: 0, height: 0, top: curr.cycleH/2, left: curr.cycleW/2 }); }); opts.cssFirst.top = 0; opts.cssFirst.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.width = 0; opts.cssBefore.height = 0; }; // fadeZoom $.fn.cycle.transitions.fadeZoom = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,false); opts.cssBefore.left = next.cycleW/2; opts.cssBefore.top = next.cycleH/2; $.extend(opts.animIn, { top: 0, left: 0, width: next.cycleW, height: next.cycleH }); }); opts.cssBefore.width = 0; opts.cssBefore.height = 0; opts.animOut.opacity = 0; }; // blindX $.fn.cycle.transitions.blindX = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var w = $cont.css('overflow','hidden').width(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.animIn.width = next.cycleW; opts.animOut.left = curr.cycleW; }); opts.cssBefore.left = w; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.left = w; }; // blindY $.fn.cycle.transitions.blindY = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var h = $cont.css('overflow','hidden').height(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.animIn.height = next.cycleH; opts.animOut.top = curr.cycleH; }); opts.cssBefore.top = h; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animOut.top = h; }; // blindZ $.fn.cycle.transitions.blindZ = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var h = $cont.css('overflow','hidden').height(); var w = $cont.width(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.animIn.height = next.cycleH; opts.animOut.top = curr.cycleH; }); opts.cssBefore.top = h; opts.cssBefore.left = w; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animOut.top = h; opts.animOut.left = w; }; // growX - grow horizontally from centered 0 width $.fn.cycle.transitions.growX = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,true); opts.cssBefore.left = this.cycleW/2; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animIn.width = this.cycleW; opts.animOut.left = 0; }); opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.width = 0; }; // growY - grow vertically from centered 0 height $.fn.cycle.transitions.growY = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,false); opts.cssBefore.top = this.cycleH/2; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animIn.height = this.cycleH; opts.animOut.top = 0; }); opts.cssBefore.height = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; }; // curtainX - squeeze in both edges horizontally $.fn.cycle.transitions.curtainX = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,false,true,true); opts.cssBefore.left = next.cycleW/2; opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animIn.width = this.cycleW; opts.animOut.left = curr.cycleW/2; opts.animOut.width = 0; }); opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.width = 0; }; // curtainY - squeeze in both edges vertically $.fn.cycle.transitions.curtainY = function($cont, $slides, opts) { opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,false,true); opts.cssBefore.top = next.cycleH/2; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.animIn.height = next.cycleH; opts.animOut.top = curr.cycleH/2; opts.animOut.height = 0; }); opts.cssBefore.height = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; }; // cover - curr slide covered by next slide $.fn.cycle.transitions.cover = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var d = opts.direction || 'left'; var w = $cont.css('overflow','hidden').width(); var h = $cont.height(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts); opts.cssAfter.display = ''; if (d == 'right') opts.cssBefore.left = -w; else if (d == 'up') opts.cssBefore.top = h; else if (d == 'down') opts.cssBefore.top = -h; else opts.cssBefore.left = w; }); opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; }; // uncover - curr slide moves off next slide $.fn.cycle.transitions.uncover = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var d = opts.direction || 'left'; var w = $cont.css('overflow','hidden').width(); var h = $cont.height(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,true,true); if (d == 'right') opts.animOut.left = w; else if (d == 'up') opts.animOut.top = -h; else if (d == 'down') opts.animOut.top = h; else opts.animOut.left = -w; }); opts.animIn.left = 0; opts.animIn.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.cssBefore.left = 0; }; // toss - move top slide and fade away $.fn.cycle.transitions.toss = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var w = $cont.css('overflow','visible').width(); var h = $cont.height(); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,true,true); // provide default toss settings if animOut not provided if (!opts.animOut.left && !opts.animOut.top) $.extend(opts.animOut, { left: w*2, top: -h/2, opacity: 0 }); else opts.animOut.opacity = 0; }); opts.cssBefore.left = 0; opts.cssBefore.top = 0; opts.animIn.left = 0; }; // wipe - clip animation $.fn.cycle.transitions.wipe = function($cont, $slides, opts) { var w = $cont.css('overflow','hidden').width(); var h = $cont.height(); opts.cssBefore = opts.cssBefore || {}; var clip; if (opts.clip) { if (/l2r/.test(opts.clip)) clip = 'rect(0px 0px '+h+'px 0px)'; else if (/r2l/.test(opts.clip)) clip = 'rect(0px '+w+'px '+h+'px '+w+'px)'; else if (/t2b/.test(opts.clip)) clip = 'rect(0px '+w+'px 0px 0px)'; else if (/b2t/.test(opts.clip)) clip = 'rect('+h+'px '+w+'px '+h+'px 0px)'; else if (/zoom/.test(opts.clip)) { var top = parseInt(h/2,10); var left = parseInt(w/2,10); clip = 'rect('+top+'px '+left+'px '+top+'px '+left+'px)'; } } opts.cssBefore.clip = opts.cssBefore.clip || clip || 'rect(0px 0px 0px 0px)'; var d = opts.cssBefore.clip.match(/(\d+)/g); var t = parseInt(d[0],10), r = parseInt(d[1],10), b = parseInt(d[2],10), l = parseInt(d[3],10); opts.before.push(function(curr, next, opts) { if (curr == next) return; var $curr = $(curr), $next = $(next); $.fn.cycle.commonReset(curr,next,opts,true,true,false); opts.cssAfter.display = 'block'; var step = 1, count = parseInt((opts.speedIn / 13),10) - 1; (function f() { var tt = t ? t - parseInt(step * (t/count),10) : 0; var ll = l ? l - parseInt(step * (l/count),10) : 0; var bb = b < h ? b + parseInt(step * ((h-b)/count || 1),10) : h; var rr = r < w ? r + parseInt(step * ((w-r)/count || 1),10) : w; $next.css({ clip: 'rect('+tt+'px '+rr+'px '+bb+'px '+ll+'px)' }); (step++ <= count) ? setTimeout(f, 13) : $curr.css('display', 'none'); })(); }); $.extend(opts.cssBefore, { display: 'block', opacity: 1, top: 0, left: 0 }); opts.animIn = { left: 0 }; opts.animOut = { left: 0 }; }; })(jQuery); ;window.Modernizr=function(a,b,c){function y(a){j.cssText=a}function z(a,b){return y(m.join(a+";")+(b||""))}function A(a,b){return typeof a===b}function B(a,b){return!!~(""+a).indexOf(b)}function C(a,b){for(var d in a){var e=a[d];if(!B(e,"-")&&j[e]!==c)return b=="pfx"?e:!0}return!1}function D(a,b,d){for(var e in a){var f=b[a[e]];if(f!==c)return d===!1?a[e]:A(f,"function")?f.bind(d||b):f}return!1}function E(a,b,c){var d=a.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+a.slice(1),e=(a+" "+o.join(d+" ")+d).split(" ");return A(b,"string")||A(b,"undefined")?C(e,b):(e=(a+" "+p.join(d+" ")+d).split(" "),D(e,b,c))}var d="2.6.2",e={},f=!0,g=b.documentElement,h="modernizr",i=b.createElement(h),j=i.style,k,l={}.toString,m=" -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" "),n="Webkit Moz O ms",o=n.split(" "),p=n.toLowerCase().split(" 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